St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

At The End of the Day

Are you ever surprised, as you power down from your day,
how loud the absence of noise becomes?

Electronic devices are quietly powering up in their chargers.
The TV is turned off.
Music is turned down.
Lights are lowered.
Then the silence begins.

As you begin your evening prayers,
do you hear the sound of rain as it splashes on the ground?

Do you feel the power of a quiet breeze as it seeps into your room bringing much needed fresh, cool air?

Do you begin to release the cares of the day and surrender to that which is called sleep?

As you begin to brush your teeth and drink enough water to quench you as you sleep, do you hear the sound of the water as it flows down your throat?

Do you hear your guardian angel whisper to remind you of your higher purpose?
Do you remember God issued this reminder of His Presence to the psalmists of ancient days,

"Be Still and Know that I AM God." 
Psalm 46:10

Do you begin to feel a connection with God?

Do you look at your day and see where you might have been a better person?
Do you feel the regrets of that day begin to force their way into your soul?
Look at what you did.
Could you have been nicer?
Could you have been kinder?
Could you have prayed to God earlier?

Now, the connection can begin.
Open your soul to your God.
Tell Him you love Him.
Praise Him.
Apologize for what you did wrong today.
Even though you will go to confession and confess these sins,
even if God knows how many times you sinned,
He will Love You.

You did nothing to earn His love.
You cannot earn His Love.
As human beings, we are blessed with His Love
the greatest gift He has given us,
our free will.

Have you prayed for your children, your spouse, your children, your family today?
Have you prayed for yourself today?
Have you prayed for peace today?
Have your prayed for Pope Francis, all of our bishops and priests?
Have your prayed for your neighbors?
Have you prayed for the sick and dying?
Have you prayed for those in the military, especially those who are far from home?

Most importantly,

If not, stop whatever you are doing, except for changing a baby's diapers, that needs to be finished right now,
stop and Pray.
We all seek peace, and we have a God who will give us that peace.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.'
John 14:27 

So, pray, then sleep.
May the angels keep guard over you.

Sleep, then, when you awaken in the morning, pray.

When wrapped in prayer,
days, however difficult, go better.

Good night.  Sleep in peace.  


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