St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, June 20, 2014

7 Quick Takes This Week- Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!!

Rain! Rain! Go Away!!!  We are now going on 5 straight days of rain with more to come.  Living in South Central Minnesota, this is not the norm for this time of year.  I just drove past our main drive which is up a big hill.  The road was closed today because a large tree had fallen and was covering the entire road.  As I write this, the thunder has started again, and the rain is pounding on the roof.  My deck, which is covered, and had some rotted wood that was replaced the day before the rain began, is a concern because water is pooling in this area.  I have been sweeping the water off daily, but the wood is still very wet.

The rain brings out some interesting bugs.  I have no idea what they are, but they are pretty.  I love red!  I think these critters have a face only a mother could love.  I also think this bug would make a beautiful bead! 

The milkweeds are budding now.  I found one bud that will be open soon.  Milkweeds, which are often considered a weed, have one of the more fragrant blossoms I have ever had the opportunity to inhale.  I often wonder if these flowers are treasured in heaven because of their fragrance.  Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves.  My neighbor takes some of these leaves and helps the monarchs to hatch.  Last year, she “raised” 8 monarchs from the egg to the caterpillar to the butterfly.  These monarchs feed on the milkweed leaves, so Sandy was over taking leaves for to feed her babies.

This rain is wonderful for the rhubarb!  I have yet to make some rhubarb sauce, jam, or pie.  One of these days, I have to slow down, pull the rhubarb, and make some wonderful treats from this fruit or vegetable.  I also want to freeze some for the winter.  What a special treat!

The rosemary is benefiting from the rain.  I can hardly wait to harvest the rosemary.  Fresh dried rosemary is succulent.  I plan to bring the plant in to enjoy it’s harvest in the winter.  Fresh rosemary is even better than dried.  Other than rhubarb pie, I can’t think of a more delicious winter treat.

I am a bit disappointed.  The roses, although this one is beautiful, are very sparse this year.  I’m not sure why they flowers are so sparse, but the buds that do bloom are beautiful.  I love roses!  Our Blessed Mother has told the visionaries at Medjugorje that yellow roses are her favorite.  I don’t have yellow roses, but I do love pink roses.  I hope she approves!!!

I am a bit disappointed.  The roses, although this one is beautiful, are very sparse this year.  I’m not sure why they flowers are so sparse, but the buds that do bloom are beautiful.  I love roses!  Our Blessed Mother has told the visionaries at Medjugorje that yellow roses are her favorite.  I don’t have yellow roses, but I do love pink roses.  I hope she approves!!!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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