St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, November 15, 2013

I Need to Pray More

Yes, I really do.  I need to bring myself closer to God.  He waits in the silence of my heart for me to speak.  He stands there as my Lord and Savior.  His arms outstretched on the tree. Yes, I really do need to pray more.  For He is My God.  I am His Child. 

I need to remember the patriarchs of old who worshiped God in the deserts, valleys and hills.  They followed his commands.  He was their God, and they were His people.  They were loved and cherished by the One Who created all.  He was their great I AM.

Through the prophets God spoke to the ancient world.  He showed them the burning bush.  He told them to remove their shoes for their place of worship was holy ground.  They wailed and moaned as he led them through the desert.  They were children of the living God.  God crushed their enemies but protected His chosen people in spite of their transgressions and sins.  When they bowed down to worship and followed His Commands, He forgave them their sins. 

The Father promised them a Savior.  They didn’t understand, and when Jesus was born, the humble were invited to his place of birth to worship Him.  The angels sang.  The Father protected the Son and His Parents.  The Child was subject to His parents.   He was guided and protected by His Mother and Joseph.  He was taught to pray, and He did.  Then He taught His Beloved followers to pray.

I need to pray more, for I wish to know my God and my Savior.  I need to walk His way of prayer into the desert where the prophets and chosen people danced and prayed as the campfires burned.  I need to walk up the mountain with Him to join Him in prayer.  I need to listen for His voice when He speaks to me, guiding and directing me in His Ways.

I need to feel the burning winds of the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit. The Apostles were directed to stay in Jerusalem until the Paraclete came.  When the Holy Spirit came, the Apostles were awakened.  He filled them with His Love and burning desire to bring Jesus to all.  Their prayers in tongues inflamed the hearts of those who heard.  They shouted in joy of the Risen Lord.  I need to pray more.   The time I spend is not enough. 

I am far away from my Loving God.  Yet, He whispers in my ear.  He loves me in spite of me.  He seeks to break the barriers of sin that keep me from His Most Sacred Heart.  He is my God and Savior.  He came to heal and set us free. 

I need to pray more.  I need to envelope myself in His Love which is free for all who seek Him.  He stands ready to embrace us with His loving arms and gentle healing hands.  I need to pray more.

Jesus, You are the Christ, Have Mercy on me a sinner!

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