St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Be Still and Know that I AM God! Psalm 46:10

Silence.  Beloved Silence.  When was the last time you heard silence?  Turn off the TV right now.  Shut off the computer.  Turn off the IPod.  Go into your room and close the door.  What do you hear?
    If you are the parent of a young child, you will probably hear someone knocking at the door and asking for you.  Of course, you should go open that door and bring that little one into your lap, and in loving silence, hold that child as you bask in the silence. 
    If you an adult without young children in the home, you might hear noises come into the silence from the outside.  You might hear a dog barking or music playing in the distance.  You might hear children playing.  You might hear birds chirping.  Yet, where you are, it is quiet.  It is silent. 
    Feel this quiet.  Allow this silence to envelope you. Touch this soundless environment.  Hold the quiet in your heart. Open your mouth and do not speak.  Hear the silence.  Does silence have a sound?  Yes, as white is the absence of color, so is silence the absence of noise, not sound. 
    Now, find a comfortable place to sit or kneel.  For it is in silence that we can find God.
    Psalm 46, verse 10 says, "Be still and know that I AM God."
    For it is in this silence that God wishes to fill us with His Love.  He wishes us to hear His whispers of love.  He wishes to touch our hearts and transform our lives.   He wishes to envelope our lives with His Eternal and Unending love.  He wishes to love us in this silence. 
    Do not break this silence with a word.  Just be still.  Let God move your heart into His Love.  Allow God to be God in this silence.  There is nothing He cannot do.  He does not need to prove Himself to you.  You do not need to prove yourself to God.  God knows what you think before you begin to think.  God knows what you will do before you begin to do it.  Let the silence overwhelm you as God, like a distant thunder storm, moves in to gently lift you into His love.  In this silence, as with two lovers, you begin to feel Him move into your heart.  In this silence, He begins to transform you to bring you closer to Him.  God begins to transform you and purify your soul so that you can be brought into Eternal life. 
    As with Mother Mary, this begins with your yes to Him.  Do not question.  Do not ask.  Simply stay silent and bask in His Love.  Surrender your hearts and souls to Him.  He waits for you in the silence.
    Seek the silence.  Avoid the noise.  Know that He is God.

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